Local Finder Pictures Fixed

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Linda Wagner Fixed
Linda Wagner Fixed


Picture Problem

Ever since Google rolled out the new Local Stack and Local Finder, pictures within the Local Finder have been a huge problem.

Zoom Face Problem
Zoom Face Problem

Problem Solved

This was all fixed this morning.

For over a month, I have been struggling to find the optimal picture size in order to make pictures appear normal rather than stretched or Zoom Face. I reached out to G+ and G Small Business on Twitter and G+ over the past few weeks but did not receive a response.

Mike Blumenthal weighed in on my question on G+ yesterday and stated the only photos which appear to be rendering correctly were ones which were Street View Trusted. What a pain in the ass that is. 

Street View Trusted Photos
Street View Trusted Photos


This morning, we were both noticing the same pictures I screen capped yesterday were formatted correctly this morning.

Linda Wagner Fixed
Linda Wagner Fixed


Im still seeing a few photos which are not formatted properly but most look normal.

Still Zoom Face
Still Zoom Face


Looks like G heard my cries for help.

I've been in the Local SEO game for over a decade. I help all sorts of small businesses gain traction in Local, and have extensive experience with Lawyers and Insurance Agents. I really enjoy helping small businesses with their local marketing. I also dig whiskey, hockey, and smoked meats.