How To Use Google Posts in GMB Q & A

After writing my last post on GMB Q&A, a Twitter thread started about what else Google is pulling into Q&A. I didn’t realize it, but Google is also pulling Posts into the Questions and Answers section. As of now, Posts, Reviews, and other Q & A are being auto pulled into the GMB Q & … Read more

What is Google My Business Q & A?

Google My Business Question and Answers One of Google’s more prominent features in a Knowledge Panel is the Q & A section. Questions and Answers come directly from the Google My Business listing profile, similar to the GMB description, posts, photos, and reviews. All of these make optimizing your Google My Business listing essential for … Read more

How to Optimize your GMB Description

Updated February 12 – GMB added new language to the GMB answers section regarding Descriptions There are about 15 key components to your Google My Business listing which you should make certain you fully optimize. One of these components is your GMB Description.  What is the Google My Business Description The GMB Description is a … Read more

Do Local Citations Matter for Local SEO?

Over the course of a few years, business citations for Local SEO went from “These are critical and we need these now” to “Who cares”. Well, maybe not as far as “who cares” but it’s damn close. What happened? What changed? Do local businesses still even need citations?  To cut to the chase, Yes. Local … Read more

Ultimate Guide for Google My Business

What is Google My Business Google My Business (GMB) is a free tool which allows business owners manage how their business appears on Google Search and Google Maps.  When prospective customers or clients perform a Google search, they will see a map and a list of three local listings which are typically nearby and relevant … Read more

How to Get a Review Removed from Google

Negative Reviews Negative and spam reviews are part of doing business online nowadays. Just as a small business will attain positive reviews from real customers, there are times when a business owner will notice a negative review or spam review from someone who may or may not have been a customer. This is a common … Read more

Google My Business Lead Gen (Spam)

via GIPHY In the past week, there have been several terrific articles written regarding the influx of GMB spam. Highlighting the over abundance of GMB spam is great for the industry as it brings attention to an issue Google doesn’t seem to give a shit about. Perhaps the more the industry calls it out, the … Read more

How to Rank in the Local Pack Across Your Entire City (Study)

I did some Local SEO research on how to rank in the Local Pack across your entire city, not just from your office location. It was published on the AttorneySync blog today. Here’s the gist of the study: Often a business will spot check their rankings in the Local Pack or organic to get an idea … Read more

Why is Buying Links a Problem?

Early last week, Jon Christian dropped a story about Jayson Demers promoting his own clients with links he dropped into Forbes, Entreprenuer, Inc and others. There was shock and horror from people outside of the digital marketing industry. Look at how a portion of the public (and our President) currently treats reporters and journalists. Add … Read more

Why Don’t Newspapers Link Out?

ï»ż via GIPHY (Hey look! A link) (Updated 7/9 with email examples) Linking Policies are Stupid Let’s chat about the stupidity and inefficiency of newspapers linking policies. Recently, I’ve picked up a few new larger clients who tend to get a good amount of positive press. Hooray! Being the opportune link builder I am, I … Read more