In May of 2014, I traded my entrepreneurial boots for the comfort of corporate loafers. There were a few reasons I decided to go the corporate route and was excited to do so. A new experience, financial stability, opportunity and change were some of the reasons I chose to leave small business for the corporate life. It took some time but I realized that currently, Corporate America is not where I am supposed to be. That may sound harsh, though it is not intended to be so. Presently, my calling is in small business though my mind is open to whatever the future brings.
In saying that, my last day at Allstate will be Friday the 30th.
I’m grateful for my time in corporate, for the new friends I’ve made, the talented and creative people I’ve met, opportunities opened, and for the experience. I was both shocked and thrilled a Fortune 100 company was interested in bringing my skill and experience on board to aid their Digital Marketing efforts. The ride has seen its share of ups and downs, though if I had a chance to go back in time, I wouldn’t do anything differently. There is nothing quite like working for a huge brand, a Fortune 100 company. Things are certainly different in a company that sized compared to what I was used to – hanging out in my home office and working when I felt.
I enjoyed my time at Allstate. I gained valuable experience working on teams, working cross teams, self taught and became the “go-to” person on the Google My Business Bulk platform, learned the corporate way and met some great people. I was able to manage a team, work with an even bigger team and hopefully have a positive impact on them with what I brought to the table.
The Digital Optimization Team I leave is in great hands. The team has a vision for the future and, not unlike any other company, there a few obstacles to overcome, but the ship can be righted. Working on the scale we do is challenging though there are great resources available and an evolving strategy to improve the program in order to help small business owners.
Just as why there were several reasons I wanted to enter the corporate world, there are a few reasons why I feel it is time to move on. The corporate path is a slow, long winding one. I was on my own for 8 years prior to coming to corporate America. During that time, I gained an appreciation for the fast-paced work, the business strategy I can devise and the impact I can have not only to a small business owners bottom line, but also working in a small company. Not that these things can’t be felt in corporate because they can, it just takes much longer.
I’m going to a small company with good people whose values align with mine. I’m very much looking forward to starting a new chapter.
I leave my brief stint in corporate for what I hope will be a long shift working with small business again. I appreciate the opportunities Allstate provided me and the people I’ve had the chance to work with while I was there.
To all my corporate cronies, feel free to hit me up if you have any questions – (GMB aside 😉 – want to connect further or need a reference in the future.
Good luck to all of you.
Good luck, Brian!
Thanks Sam.
It’s been fun working along side you. Keep in touch!